Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Compare Fab-Curry Maggie Ala-Kimmeh With The Egg Steak :

Compare this Fab-Curry Maggie Ala-Kimmeh with the Egg Steak from the previous post... doesn't this curry maggie look... utterly delicious?! Totally EATABLE?! C'mon!! Don't lie to urself!! It looks FANTASTIC!!!

Cooking Maggie(especially curry flavour) is one of my specialties!!

Here are the 6 easy steps to make Fab-Curry Maggie Ala-Kimmeh!!

Step #1 : Boil water(a little amount, just enough to cover the noodles)
Step #2 : Put in the powder
Step #3 : Put the noodles, vege and minced meat into the pot
Step #4 : Wait for it to cook ^_^"
Step #5 : Pour the noodles into the bowl
Step #6 : Crack an egg into the bowl

In just 6 easy steps, Voila!!~ delicious Fab-Curry Maggie Ala-Kimmeh!!! The egg must be stirred in the curry before eating though, else it'll be gross and raw(ew!).. When u stir it in the bowl, the curry turns thick n creamy~~ mmmm~~~~~

This is one of my recipies to the few things I know how to cook(besides Campbell Soup, Scrambled Egg, Maggie Goreng and Scrambled Eggs)

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