okay, i know that u all must be thinking "what the hell does she mean her pet?!" but okay, i'll explain. ^^
me being me, is of course, weird, full of crap and damn ass "funny" as u put it. but i did this because i'm bored and anyway, u all agreed to be my pets anyway :D
okay, i'll start off by introducing myself as Mastahh Kim, the monkey.
then for now, i'll introduce u to my top 10 favourite pets, the Espada.
#1 : Charlene - a monster, named Garlene.
#2 : Amanda - a koala, named Honey.
#3 : Yee Leng - a butterfly(she started off as a worm called Ulat Bulu, which morphed into a cocoon named Cirit and finally she is now a butterfly), named Candy.
#4 : Phoebe - a spaniel, named Baby.
#5 : Esther - a Manx cat, named Girl-Girl.
#6 : Lis - a stoysterfish(in case u dont know, this is a cross breed between a starfish and an oyster), named Awwww~
#7 : Chris - a laughing hyena, named Giggles.
#8 : Lilian - a hamster who stole my birthday, named Momo.
#9 : Eunice - a tuna(she insisted on being an animal bigger than a monkey ^^), named Armai.
#10 : Ferlynne - a crab, named Goldilocks(because she sat on a chair that broke, just like what Goldilocks did to Baby Bear's chair xD)
These are my 10 espadas, they are allowed to bully the other pets with no ranking and those who have lower ranking than them. Which means the weakest Espada would be Girl-Girl and the strongest would be Garlene.
Here's my list of pets without ranking :
Afnatul - a penguin, named Sahara. (opposites are perfect!)
Allecia - a pig, named Biba.
Atiqah - an eel, named Unagi.
Arul - a dragon, named Darling.
Guga - a shark, named Yuuuuuu~
Hazel - a dinosaur, named Barney.
Jason - a seahorse, named Ocean Beauty. (he's a seahorse because he's the only guy pet i have.. and i wan all my pets to be able to bear children! and the seahorse is the only male animal that carries the babies, so u know ^^)
Joan - a chameleon, named Rambo. (the total opposite of Joan, who is skinny like a stick)
Kristin - a guinea pig, named Bee Sue.
Li Ying - a polar bear, named Chau Yong.
Lu Ting - a kangaroo, named Leng Lui.
Mel - a rabbit, named Supercallyfragilisticexpealidocious.
Michelle - a sheep, named Teletubby.
Naim - a turtle, named Kecik. (because she's so petite :D)
Ng - a frog, named Sexy.
Nirai - a unicorn, named Hang Gempak. (because she insisted that she must have a very "gempak" name)
Priya - a jellyfish, named Pudding.
Qian Peng - a phoenix, named Api. (way to put off the coolness in a phoenix, huh XD)
Renu - a squirrel, named Squeaky.
Shazlida - a lizard, named Idarrrrrrrrrrrrrr~~
Shobana - a mosquito, named Aedes.
Shyuan Mey - an aligator, named Buaya.
Sue Reen - a tortoise, named Sugar.
Tien Pao - a dolphin, named Ning-kuPao. (ROFLMAO, i LOVE her name!!)
Veronica - a camel, named Humps.
Wendy - a squid, named Squindy.
Wan Yung - a whale, named Paus.
Yashini - a panda, named Dear.
Aww crap! I ran out of pets :( I want more more more!!! T_T
here's the list of pet animals i want! :
will anyone else volunteer? ;D
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